Is My Workout Program Right For Me?
Jan 13, 2022If you are currently looking for a workout program, you’ve got options. Maybe too many options, right? Seems like everyone and their sister has launched one, especially in the past 22 months!
Whether you are looking for one or already have one, how can you know if your fitness routine is right for you and your goals NOW?
Ask yourself a few key questions:
Question 1: Is this something I enjoy and will actually do? You can have the best fitness program or routine, but if you dread it and it feels like a grind, you’re much less likely to stick with it. Consistency is key to getting results.
How you like to workout? In a gym, fitness studio or at home? By yourself or with a group? Indoors or Outdoors? Do you like repetition or do you need lots of variety and constantly mix things up?
Here's what works for me:
- I prefer to workout at-home by myself because it’s super convenient, efficient and I can do it at any time. (Ironic, since I owned a group fitness studio, but it’s how I’ve worked out for the past 10+ years.
- I workout inside (hello FL heat!), but I like to get outside for my daily walks and Vitamin D mood boost. Whenever I’m in the mountains, however, I love hiking!
- I like repetition with some change to keep my attention. Repetition allows you to perfect your form, get stronger, track your progress and get results. I enjoy some choreography - I’m a dancer after all! However, too much change or doing a different class or format every day, doesn’t allow for progressive overload (what you need to progress and get results).
Question 2: How do I FEEL after my workouts? You do need intensity during your workout, but you shouldn’t have to spend the rest of the day recovering from it. The “no pain, no gain” mentality of the 90’s is passé. Your workouts should make you feel strong and energized, not depleted. As we age, we also require more time to recover, so ditch the “more is better” mentality. Find your sweet spot.
Question 3: Will this workout routine/program help me reach my GOAL? Decide what you goal is. Do you want to gain lean muscle and improve bone density? Increase your mobility or flexibility? Improve heart health and endurance? Boost metabolism and body composition?
As a 56-year old woman, my current goals are maintaining/gaining lean muscle and improving bone density. Of course I want ALL of the above, but for midlife women, muscle and bone need to be a priority.
Be sure your fitness program or routine is designed to help you reach your goals. If it’s not, you may consider making a few changes.
With so many options popping up on the daily, it’s easy to feel confused and overwhelmed. Keep this in mind: more is not better and not all programs are designed for your current needs. The new shiny club offering 50 group fitness classes a week, may indeed be fun, but will it help you reach your goals? More specifically, was it designed for YOU now - a midlife woman with very specific needs and considerations?
Not sure how to find a program that is right for you? Whether you are peri/menopausal or beyond, I got you! My Bolder STRONG programs are designed specially for the unique needs of women over 40. Strength training, cardio intervals, mobility work and more. 4-5 days a week, only 20-40 minutes a day.
To get you started (and give you a taste of my signature Bolder STRONG programs) I created a FREE 7-Day Recharge Fitness Program. Click HERE to get started!