Menopause Fitness Specialist

Ready to Make Some Changes?

You can get Strong, Lean & Confident at any age! 

It's never too late to get in the best shape of your life — and I'd love to help!


Menopause Fitness Coach

Ready to Look & Feel Your Best?

Get Strong, Lose Belly Fat & Feel Confident at any age! 

The time to start is NOW.

Beat Menopausal Weight Gain, Muscle Loss & Fatigue. Bolder STRONG 8-Week Program - LEARN MORE!

Sue's Results: 

I'm 60 this year and while I've always been active, the combo of COVID and menopause really changed my body.  So I did what I've always done 45-60 minute aerobic workouts and light upper body weights, 5 days a week, for months. 

Nothing changed  until I found Rita and Bolder Strong.  In just 8 weeks of Bolder Strong workouts, I can tell a HUGE change in my body.  I am so much stronger and I look and feel great!!  Plus there are only 3 short workouts per week, plus one flexibility session.  Time saver!  Thank you, Rita!

rita jenkins wolcott in white shirt

Hi, I'm Rita!

I'm the founder of Living Bolder, a menopause fitness specialist, and former fitness studio owner. I've helped hundreds of women over 40 get stronger, healthier, and have more energy and confidence than they've ever had! 

My personal fitness journey has been riddled with years of over-exercising, extreme dieting, and poor body image issues... but over time, I found balance. I understand the unique challenges of midlife women. 

My clients often tell me: "My body has changed. What used to work for me is no longer working!"

I get it. Getting in shape after 40 is harder, and can feel frustrating, but it's definitely possible. It’s never too late to change your body, and I can show you how! 

I will teach you how to get fit at home with efficient, effective, enjoyable workouts that get results in less time.

I created Bolder STRONG for women just like you (and me). These are the exact workouts I do to stay strong and lean at 58, so I know it works!

Need More Customization, Accountability & Support? Explore VIP Private Coaching.

Most Women Over 40 Don't Eat Enough Protein. The #1 Reason to increase your Protein?

Boosts Metabolism and Supports Fat Loss!

Want 15 Quick, Easy Ways to Add Daily Protein?

how to boost metabolism

Our hormones and body have changed. What worked in our 20's and 30's doesn't cut it anymore.

Strength training exercises & workouts to boost metabolism

We need the RIGHT kinds of exercise: Progressive Strength, short HIIT sessions and Mobility.

how to boost metabolism

We need to prioritize Sleep, Recovery, and managing Stress more than ever. 

Midlife women helps to balance your hormones

And we need to ditch chronic dieting and learn to eat to support our metabolism.

Need more customization, support and accountability? Work 1:1 with me to make the changes you want, need, and deserve!

Client Love 

Frustrated by hormonal weight gain, belly fat, fatigue, poor sleep, and other unwanted changes of menopause? It's not your fault, and you're in the right place!

I will help you get Strong, Increase your Energy + Metabolism, and Stay Consistent, so you can feel Confident and Amazing at any age!