BLOG - Living Bolder

I don't always love to workout. Jul 15, 2024

I don't always love to workout. That may sound a bit odd coming from someone who’s career is all about exercising and encouraging other women to do the same. Still, it's true. 

I love moving my body. I love what it does for my physique, my physical and mental health, my mood. And...

Are These 6 Limiting Beliefs Keeping You From Your Fitness Goals? Oct 03, 2022

My first fitness guru, Tony Horton (of P90x fame) often says, "It's time to get your mind right." 

He's right. I don't know about you, but my mind can be a dangerous neighborhood. Anyone feel me on this?  

The stories we tell ourselves can have a significant impact...

Tackle ONE Habit At A Time Sep 26, 2021

You decide you want to get fit or lose weight. Or both. You’re determined to go all in and make ALL the changes. 

Maybe you do OK for a little while. But then it becomes overwhelming. And it feels like you’re in the circus spinning plates on sticks. 

Maybe you’re...

Take A Stand! 3 Quick Tips to Reduce the Negative Effects of Sitting May 31, 2021

Did you know that only 20% of American adults get the recommended amount of physical activity every week? Really, just 20%.


With last year’s lock-down and more people working from home (even now), I’m wondering if that number is still accurate? 


Working from home,...