BLOG - Living Bolder

I don't always love to workout. Jul 15, 2024

I don't always love to workout. That may sound a bit odd coming from someone who’s career is all about exercising and encouraging other women to do the same. Still, it's true. 

I love moving my body. I love what it does for my physique, my physical and mental health, my mood. And...

Don’t Wait Until Life Settles Down. Do It NOW. Nov 22, 2022

You're crazy busy. You’ve got a life and a million things to do. It’s easy to put your fitness and nutrition goals on the back burner.

“I’ll start again when things settle down, then I’ll be ALL IN without any distractions.” 

Sound familiar? 


Holiday Sugar Hangover? Healthy Breakfast Ideas For The Day After Oct 30, 2022

So you dipped into the Halloween candy... now what?  


Halloween is the official kickoff of the holiday season — or as my client, Bea calls it, “eating season”. I call it the holiday slide (maybe I’ll choreograph a line dance for it!). 


5 Holiday Fitness Tips to Keep You on Track Nov 30, 2021

Holiday Season is a busy time of year, however, staying active will be well worth your time and effort. Maintaining a fitness routine may be your magic bullet to  reduce stress, boost energy levels, and stay sane during the holidays.

Of course, during one of the...