If you're frustrated and fed up with menopausal weight gain, muscle loss, and fatigue...
If what you're doing is no longer working... I can help!
Let's work together to create simple actionable, fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle habit changes that get RESULTS - while still allowing you to ENJOY life!
Sue's Results:
I'm 60 this year and while I've always been active, the combo of COVID and menopause really changed my body. So I did what I've always done — 45-60 minute aerobic workouts and light upper body weights, 5 days a week, for months.
Nothing changed — until I found Rita and Bolder Strong. In just 8 weeks of Bolder Strong workouts, I can tell a HUGE change in my body. I am so much stronger and I look and feel great!! Plus there are only 3 short workouts per week, plus one flexibility session. Time saver! Thank you, Rita!
Hi, I'm Rita!
I'm the founder of Living Bolder, a personal trainer, menopause fitness specialist, certified nutrition coach, and former fitness studio owner. Over the past 14 years, I've helped hundreds of women over 40 get stronger, healthier, and have more energy and confidence than ever!
My personal fitness journey has been one of extremes. As a former overweight dancer, I spent decades hating my body and punishing myself with restrictive diets and over-exercising. But over time, I finally found balance. Today, I work out less and eat more than I ever have!
I understand the frustrating changes and unique challenges that women face in perimenopause and beyond. My clients often tell me: "My body has changed. What used to work for me is no longer working!"
I get it. Getting in shape after 40 is harder, but it's also 100% possible. It’s never too late to change your body, and I can show you how!
I will teach you how to get strong, lean at toned at home with time-efficient, enjoyable workouts that maximize your RESULTS in less time.
I created Bolder STRONG for women just like you and me. These are the exact workouts I do to stay strong and lean at 59, so I know it works!
Want More Customization, Accountability & Support? My Premium Private Coaching Program may be for you.Most Women Over 40 Aren't Eating Enough Protein.
WHY should you increase your Protein intake?
Boosts Metabolism, Supports Fat Loss, and Cuts Cravings by up to 70%!
Want 15 Quick, Easy Ways to Add Daily Protein?
Your hormones and body have changed. What worked in your 20's and 30's simply won't cut it anymore.

You need the RIGHT kinds of exercise: Progressive Strength Training, Mobility, and Cardio (some fast, some slow).

You need to prioritize Sleep, Recovery, and Stress Management more than ever.

And you need to ditch chronic dieting and learn how to eat to nourish your body and support your metabolism.
Client Love
Frustrated by hormonal weight gain, belly fat, fatigue, achy joints, poor sleep, and other unwanted changes of menopause? You're in the right place!
I can help you get Stronger, Leaner, Boost your Energy + Metabolism, and Stay Consistent, so you can feel Confident and Amazing at any age!
January Jumpstart!
Join me for a FREE 7-Day Fitness Consistency Challenge to jumpstart your health and fitness goals for 2025! 🎉
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